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Weirdly mundane items students forget to take to University

Don't forget these items when moving into student accommodation

Going to University and moving into student accommodation for the first time can be a scary, stressful and forgetful time for both parents and students. At we believe students should be prepared for their forgetfulness and instead get these mundanely weird items that students need but forget. This list will save you the hassle of thinking about them when you move into student accommodation. Some of these items might seem a bit obvious to you, but they have been forgotten many a time, leaving a student in mild peril, so instead read the list, make some notes and maybe you can not only save yourself from an awkward situation but you may be able to be a hero to fellow students too.

Flustered Student

The list of Strangely mundane items students forget


Air freshener

Be from burning food in the kitchen or sweaty shoes, there is a chance that student accommodation will have a smell that you will disagree with or one of your housemates disagrees with, so come prepared and spray away. Don't fear accommodation for students smells lovely.



There are plenty of things that need batteries, from remotes to torches and there is nothing worse than realising that a battery is dead and no shops are open. Bring a few of varying types; you never know what you might need.


Door wedge

Very useful during the first couple of weeks in student accommodation, leave your door wide open and talk to people as they pass. It is a very easy way to get to know people quickly without leaving your room.

Warning: Don't leave your door open like this all the time as it is technically a fire hazard, just do it when you are about and want company.

Dressing gown/bath shoes/flip-flops/slippers

Unless you have an en-suite bathroom you will be sharing a bathroom with a few other people, so it is generally polite to cover yourself when moving to and from the bathroom and sometimes a towel is not enough, so get a dressing gown or bathrobe to protect your decency. Although bathing footwear is probably not something you have considered, it might need a thought. Some floors in student accommodation are not as clean as they could be, especially if it is the day before the cleaner comes, so the last thing you want is to get this muck on your feet after you have had a shower and they might come in useful WHEN the fire alarm goes off at 4am due to a drunk student trying to cook. THIS WILL HAPPEN.

Duct tape/Super Glue

Repair holes in your bags, your super-soaker tank, your clothes, and just about anything else. Once again things break or move when they shouldn’t, having both of these £1 items will just make life a bit easier. You can use Duct Tape for anything, including attaching housemates to other objects, although we do not condone this sort of action, no matter how funny it is.

Drunken Student taped to Tree

Random Fact: Super glue was used during the Vietnam War to seal wounds to protect soldiers from infection and bleeding until they could be taken to hospital. We still recommend you just use a plaster.

Earplugs/Eye mask

Sleep is an important part of a student’s life and must not be disturbed. Halls can get loud especially on Freshers week and on the weekends when people are coming in at all times of the night, so get some earplugs and rest easy. A facemask will help with napping during the day, especially if you don’t like sunlight.


Ethernet cord

Wi-Fi connections can be rubbish, so sometimes you are much better off plugging in the old fashioned way and keeping a much more secure and consistent connection. Also some student accommodations do not have a Wi-Fi network so you may need to be connected to an outlet.


Fancy Dress Costumes

As a student there will be times when you need to dress up, so having a big box of costumes can save you the hassle of running to a shop to find a cheap costume that doesn’t fit.


Flash Drive/External Hard Drive

As a student you will be writing lots of essays, collecting lots of documents and images, so space on your computer/laptop is prime real estate, an external hard drive will make this less of a worry. A flash drive is a must, there will be plenty of times you need to bring a presentation or an essay or an image into a class or group session and you can’t always guarantee a decent internet connection. A cheap flash drive will make this problem disappear; it might even save the day.



Board games, card games or even Twister, they are all likely to be used at some point so make yourself popular and ready for parties or gatherings with your fun party games.


Passport photos

Having these can save you the effort of finding one of the rare photo booths, you might need them for ID or applications, so having a few lying about can be quite handy.


Pencil Sharpener

Although most of your essay work will be done on computer or ink sometimes you need a pencil and thus you need a sharpener, especially for those multiple choice tests which Universities are so fond of.


Power Strip

You never know how many power sockets you room will have or where, so get one of these with a lot of sockets to make sure you have enough power for your laptop, hair dryer, phone charger, desk lamp, fan, mini-fridge, printer and every other electrical item you can imagine. We recommend getting one with a surge protector to protect your valuables if a power surge occurs and having one with a long lead as you have no idea where the only socket in the room may be.



Printing things using the University costs money, roughly about 5p a sheet, it adds up over time. Buying a printer with built in scanner and photocopier will make life a lot easier, especially if it is 5am in the morning and you need to hand in your work in first thing and the library is closed.

Top tip: If you are low on black ink, in an emergency you can print in really dark blue and it is barely noticeable.


At home you might like sleeping in the nude but in student accommodation it is polite etiquette to wear some sort of clothing in public spaces, so pyjamas are recommended. They also make life a bit less embarrassing when you rush outside when the fire alarm goes off when you are asleep.


Rain gear/Winter Gear

Don’t get caught out in the rain or snow and not have appropriate clothing to wear. The weather changes and you need to as well. Don’t be the person that has to run to the shop in the rain to get an umbrella or freeze on the way to lectures in the snow. Stay dry and warm.

Smart Clothes

You never know when you might get a date, smart social event or a job interview. Smart clothes are a must, in some student accommodation, particularly catered halls, it can be expected that you dress smartly for certain meals.


Stapler/hole punch

No doubt as a student you are highly organised especially about your work and notes, specifically putting them in to folders and binders, but this plan can fail at one crucial step, no holes, so get a cheap hole punch and don’t fret anymore. A stapler speaks for itself, it will come in use. Be aware that if using them in a lecture theatre they will become noticed and people will want to use them too, just don’t lose them after you lend them to people.


Stuffed toy

You might be surrounded by your cool housemates but everyone gets a bit homesick from time to time, so having Mr Snugglesworth might be a bit embarrassing but he is there to save there day when you need a hug and feel like you are at home.



Not a tool box, it does need to be the Black & Decker Ultimate kit, just a few small screwdrivers, a work knife and maybe a hammer. Your things might break so this little tool kit will save you on the few occasions when you desperately need something repaired.

Warning:This does not mean you are a DIY expert and should not repair anything that belongs to the Landlord, contact them and they will solve the problem, you are a student tenant, not Mr Fix-It. This is for your safety and your desposit's safety.



There is nothing worse than being in student housing when there is a blackout, electircal companies can be so careless, so make sure you have a working torch just in case, at least you can then read a book or notes. Plus it comes in handy when something rolls underneath your bed.


The most important item to bring to university


A sense of humour and adventure

You are not only at University to learn, but also to have fun, to meet new people. You are likely going to meet strange people, strange students and this means you will likely do strange and weird things to fit in, or seemed like a good idea at the time. Remember to stay safe, have fun and smile.


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