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Five Things To Consider When Studying Abroad

Studying abroad is the new trend amongst the millennial-generation student. Many who do feel their lives are enriched by schemes such as ERASMUS. Even when not tied to such schemes, the best students seek arrangements to study in the US and Australia despite having good offers in the UK. Here are five things you need to bear in mind when considering studying abroad.


The Anglophone World is Not Your Limit

In the UK, we suffer for poor international language skills. Anybody who can speak multiple languages will be at an advantage. That doesn’t mean that having poor language skills will mean that studying abroad will be closed to you. Quite the opposite, you can learn a language far easier conversing and interacting with native speakers than from any book. Universities will rarely consider your linguistic skills when you apply, but you will be expected to develop those skills.


Financial Help Is Available

Many won’t even consider studying abroad because they think it is prohibitively expensive. It will for some, but the more attractive you are as a student, you will find schemes available that will help you study abroad. There are multiple bigger schemes, but these are competitive. It doesn’t mean you have no chance of winning, though. You should consider all avenues, especially smaller local funds or niche bursaries. If you have a disability you may find more available to you.


Learn Customs and Culture

Even English speaking countries have different customs and culture from that of the UK. You need to understand what you can and cannot do. This is not just about drinking laws or driving considerations, but social expectations too. Other countries may frown much harder on late night parties and you could find yourself with a criminal record – which would not be good for your study abroad period. Respect local customs; you are now a foreigner in somebody else’s country.


Studying Post Graduate Courses Abroad Are Great on the CV

Every year, thousands of students apply to undergraduate places abroad. This experience is rewarding, but others prefer the benefit of studying as a post-graduate. The extra benefits of studying a post-graduate course are increased as a foreigner working abroad. Post-graduate degrees are more attractive generally, but will look even better if you are able to study at a prestigious university in another country.


But It Shouldn’t Be All About the CV

Those who study abroad, either as an undergraduate or postgraduate, usually love their time abroad. There is more to study than studying, otherwise there is no point studying abroad at all. Blend in with the local culture, understand it and respect it, but be sure to enjoy it. Mix with locals, make friends with them and engage openly. In a way, you are an ambassador for your country so act as such.