Pads For Students - The Location For Student House Rentals


Tips for Setting Up Online Property Viewings

Recently, the government allowed property viewings in person. Bearing in mind that most travel is still restricted and that not everyone is comfortable with this, it is strongly advisable to set up an online viewing system. Even when the pandemic is over, your student tenants may continue to ask for online viewings, so they don’t have to travel to see a property. Here is how you set one up and increase your chance of renting your student accommodation.


Keep It Clean and Tidy

Ideally, set up your virtual viewings after you’ve had a thorough clean. It doesn’t need to be immaculate, but it should be clean and tidy. The more clutter there is about the place, the more cramped it will feel. Students like to get as much space as they can afford. Also, the more dirt there is, the more students will be turned off. This is your once chance to make a good impression about presentation.


Keep the Doors Open

This will make your passage through the property easier (no fiddling around with door handles and juggling your device at the same time). It will also allow as much light into each room as possible, creating a brighter and airier feel about the place. At this time of year, you want to make as much use as you can of available daylight. Nobody likes dark and dingy rooms, knowing it will be like that regardless of season.


Have a Practice Run

Most people are not all that comfortable in front of the camera. Before you do it, practice with a friend or acquaintance. Set up a call over your video conferencing app of choice and act as though they are prospective student tenants looking to rent your property for the year. You also need to ensure your internet connection is strong enough, and your phone or other device can cope with video conferencing. Practice until you’re happy all is well.


Have a List of Pre-Prepared Answers

Prospective student tenants are likely to have a list of questions about each room or the property. To avoid being caught off guard, create a list of questions that they might ask. If you still have query emails from past years students, go through and note your answers. It’s likely subsequent students will have the same questions too. A list of FAQs for self-reference is always a good idea.


Invest in a Quality Camera

A video shot on your smartphone, tablet, or laptop, will not have the highest quality images. While they are perfectly fine for your Pads for Students listing, it’s wise to have a decent DSLR for those better-quality images to share to prospective student tenants. High quality images show more detail and could swing the students to sign with you.